
Useful guides

Data sources

Here are places around the web with data available for download.

Search engines

These point to a lot of other resources.


These feature datasets that are essentially already packaged as CSV or Excel files, plus descriptions.

  • Five Thirty-Eight Data used to support the site’s journalism, mainly in politics and sports.
  • Delaware Open Data Publicly available data from the state government.
  • Kaggle Long-time host of data science competitions. The formal competitions are well-curated, but user contributions vary widely.
  • UCI Machine Learning Repository Well-known source for datasets that have been used extensively in machine learning research, but also recent contributions.
  • Open ML Sort of abandoned years ago, but lots of eclectic datasets remain.
  • IMDB Datasets Information about movies and TVs. (Big files!)
  • Stanford Network Analysis Project Datasets presented as networks.


These require you to navigate an interface to select data from a large pool. Typically, you can make selections, preview the dataset, and then download in CSV or Excel format.


A much more exhaustive glossary can be found here.


  • Git Protocol for maintaining the entire file history of a project, including all versions and author attributions.
  • repository Collection of files needed to record the history of a git project.
  • GitHub Website that hosts git repositories created by private users, along with tools to help inspect and manage them.
  • commit Collection of particular changes to the repository made by an individual and given a message.
  • stage Temporary designation of locally modified files to be added to the next commit.
  • merge Automatic union of non-conflicting commits from different sources.
  • conflict Disagreement between repository versions that requires human intervention to resolve.
  • push Sending one or more commits from a local repository to a remote repository.
  • pull Receiving and merging all commits from a remote repository that are unknown to the local repository.


  • notebook Self-contained collection of text, math, code, output, and graphics.
  • kernel Back-end that executes code from and returns output to the notebook.
  • cell Atomic unit of a notebook that contains one or more lines of text or code.
  • Markdown Simplified syntax to put boldface, italics, and other formatting within text.
  • TeX/LaTeX Language used to express mathematical notation within a notebook.
  • Jupyter Popular format and system for interactive editing, execution, and export of notebooks.
  • Jupyter Lab Layer over Jupyter notebook functionality to help manage notebooks and extensions.


  • package (or wheel) Collection of Python files distributed in a portable way to provide extra functionality.
  • numpy Package of essential tools for numerical computation.
  • scipy Package of tools useful in scientific and engineering computation.
  • database Structured collection of data, usually with a formal interface for interaction with the data.
  • data frame Tabular representation of a data set analogous to a spreadsheet, in which columns are observable quantities and rows are different observations of the quantities.
  • pandas Package for working with data frames.
  • matplotlib Package providing plot capabilities, modeled on MATLAB.
  • seaborn Package built on matplotlib and providing commands to simplify creating plots from data frames.
  • scikit-learn Package that provides capabilities for machine learning using a variety of methods.
  • tensorflow, keras, pytorch Best-known packages for machine learning using neural networks.
  • Anaconda Bundle of Python, most of the popular Python packages, Jupyter, and other useful tools, all within an optional point-and-click interface.


  • VS Code (recommended) Free all-purpose editor with many extensions for working closely with git, Github, Jupyter, and Python.
  • Jupyter Popular format and system for interactive editing, execution, and export of notebooks.
  • Jupyter Lab Layer over Jupyter notebook functionality to help manage notebooks and extensions.
  • Google Colab Free cloud-based service for jumping into Jupyter notebooks without installing any software locally.
  • Spyder Free development environment that somewhat resembles MATLAB.
  • PyCharm Feature-rich freemium development environment for Python, geared toward large, complex projects.
  • Thonny Bare-bones development environment intended to prioritize beginners.

Package versions

Here are the Python and package versions used in this book.

import sys
print("Python:", sys.version)
import pandas as pd
print("Pandas:", pd.__version__)
import numpy as np
print("Numpy:", np.__version__)
import seaborn as sns
print("Seaborn:", sns.__version__)
import sklearn
print("Scikit-learn:", sklearn.__version__)
import networkx as nx
print("Networkx:", nx.__version__)
Python: 3.12.5 | packaged by conda-forge | (main, Aug  8 2024, 18:32:50) [Clang 16.0.6 ]
Pandas: 2.2.2
Numpy: 1.26.4
Seaborn: 0.13.2
Scikit-learn: 1.4.2
Networkx: 3.2.1