2  Descriptive statistics

When confronted with a new dataset, it’s crucial to get a sense of its characteristics before attempting to draw conclusions or predictions from it. There are two aspects of this exploration: numerical and graphical. We begin with numbers.

2.1 Summary statistics

The idea of descriptive statistics is to reduce a large collection of numerical values to a much smaller one, or even a single number, that captures essential features. You have probably encountered at least a few of these statistics before. In many cases, the statistical results connect to mathematical theory that makes it possible to reason abstractly about the data.

Example 2.1 Here a classic dataset about flowers:

import pandas as pd
iris = pd.read_csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mwaskom/seaborn-data/master/iris.csv')
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 150 entries, 0 to 149
Data columns (total 5 columns):
 #   Column        Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------        --------------  -----  
 0   sepal_length  150 non-null    float64
 1   sepal_width   150 non-null    float64
 2   petal_length  150 non-null    float64
 3   petal_width   150 non-null    float64
 4   species       150 non-null    object 
dtypes: float64(4), object(1)
memory usage: 6.0+ KB

The describe method of a data frame gives a bunch of summary statistics for each column of quantitative data:

sepal_length sepal_width petal_length petal_width
count 150.000000 150.000000 150.000000 150.000000
mean 5.843333 3.057333 3.758000 1.199333
std 0.828066 0.435866 1.765298 0.762238
min 4.300000 2.000000 1.000000 0.100000
25% 5.100000 2.800000 1.600000 0.300000
50% 5.800000 3.000000 4.350000 1.300000
75% 6.400000 3.300000 5.100000 1.800000
max 7.900000 4.400000 6.900000 2.500000

We now discuss the definitions and interpretations of the values prodcued by describe.

2.1.1 Mean and dispersion

Here are the Big Three of summary statistics: mean, variance, and standard deviation.

Definition 2.1 Given data values \(x_1,\ldots,x_n\), their mean is \[ \mu = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n x_i, \tag{2.1}\]

their variance is \[ \sigma^2 = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n (x_i - \mu)^2, \tag{2.2}\]

and their standard deviation (STD) is \(\sigma\), the square root of the variance.

Mean is a measurement of central tendency. Variance and STD are measures of spread or dispersion in the data.

Example 2.2 Suppose that \(x_1=0\), \(x_2=t\), and \(x_3=-t\), where \(|t| \le 6\). What are the minimum and maximum possible values of the standard deviation?

Solution. The mean is \(\mu=0\), hence \[ \sigma^2 = \frac{1}{3}\left[ 0^2 + t^2 + (-t)^2 \right] = \frac{2}{3} t^2. \] From this we conclude \[ \sigma = \sqrt{\tfrac{2}{3}} |t|. \] Given that \(0 \le |t| \le 6\), we see that the minimum value of \(\sigma\) is 0 and the maximum is \(2\sqrt{6}\).


Variance is in units that are the square of the data, which can be hard to interpret. But it has other characteristics that are useful mathematically.

2.1.2 Populations and samples

In statistics one refers to the population as the entire universe of available values. Thus, the ages of adults on Earth at some instant has a particular population mean and standard deviation. However, we can usually only measure a sample of the population directly, and we use the sample mean and standard deviation as estimates of the population values.

The definitions in Definition def-stats-meanvarstd are for populations. When they are used on a sample rather than a population, we change the notation a bit as a reminder.

Definition 2.2 Given a sample of data values \(x_1,\ldots,x_n\), the sample mean is

\[ \bar{x} = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n x_i, \tag{2.3}\]

and the sample variance is \[ s_n^2 = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n (x_i - \bar{x})^2. \]

It can be proved that the sample mean is an accurate way to estimate the population mean, in the following precise sense. If, in a thought experiment, we could average \(\bar{x}\) over all possible samples of size \(n\), the result would be exactly the population mean \(\mu\). That is, we say that \(\bar{x}\) is an unbiased estimator for \(\mu\).

The situation with sample variance is more subtle. If \(s_n^2\) is averaged over all possible sample sets, we do not get the population variance \(\sigma^2\); hence, \(s_n^2\) is called a biased estimator of the population variance. This can be proved by a calculation we won’t go into here, but the essential issue is that the sample mean used in \(s_n^2\) is itself only an estimate of the population mean. A minor adjustment fixes that issue.

Theorem 2.1 An unbiased estimator for \(\sigma^2\) is

\[ s_{n-1}^2 = \frac{1}{n-1}\sum_{i=1}^n (x_i - \bar{x})^2. \tag{2.4}\]


Sources are not always uniform using this terminology. Some use sample variance to mean \(s_{n-1}^2\), not \(s_n^2\), and many even omit the subscripts. You should check any source to understand its conventions.

Example 2.3 The values [1, 4, 9, 16, 25] have mean \(\bar{x}=55/5 = 11\). The sample variance is

\[ \begin{split} s_n^2 &= \frac{(1-11)^2+(4-11)^2+(9-11)^2+(16-11)^2+(25-11)^2}{5} \\ & = \frac{374}{5} = 74.8. \end{split} \]

By contrast, the unbiased estimate of population variance from this sample is

\[ s_{n-1}^2 = \frac{374}{4} = 93.5. \]

As you can see from the formulas and in Example exm-stats-sample, \(s_n^2\) is always an overestimate of the variance. However, the difference becomes negligible as the sample size \(n\) increases, and in any practical dataset the distinction is basically academic.


NumPy computes the biased estimator of variance by default, while pandas computes the unbiased version. Whee!

For standard deviation, neither \(s_n\) nor \(s_{n-1}\) is an unbiased estimator of \(\sigma\), and there is no simple fix. Again, though, it’s not usually something we worry about in practice.

Example 2.4 While the describe method computes all the summary statistics, you can also obtain them individually using the mean, var, and std methods:

import numpy as np
sepal_length    5.843333
sepal_width     3.057333
petal_length    3.758000
petal_width     1.199333
dtype: float64

The result above is a series with the mean of each column. When given a series, the result is just a number:


2.1.3 z-scores

Comparing or operating on datasets that have different ranges can be difficult. One common step is to standardize the data.

Definition 2.3 Given data values \(x_1,\ldots,x_n\), we define the standardized scores or z-scores by

\[ z_i = \frac{x_i-\mu}{\sigma}, \qquad i=1,\ldots,n. \tag{2.5}\]


Equation eq-stats-zscores requires the population statistics \(\mu\) and \(\sigma\). If sample estimates are used, the results are technically called t-scores in classical statistics, but this distinction is generally ignored for large datasets in practice.

In physical terms, z-scores are dimensionless, i.e., not dependent on the physical units chosen to express the data. The following characteristics are important:

Theorem 2.2 The z-scores have mean equal to zero and variance equal to 1.

Proof. Using the definition Equation eq-stats-zscores, we calculate the mean of the z-scores as

\[ \begin{split} \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n z_i &= \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n \frac{x_i-\mu}{\sigma} \\ &= \frac{1}{n\sigma}\sum_{i=1}^n x_i - \frac{1}{n\sigma}\sum_{i=1}^n \mu \\ &= \frac{1}{n\sigma}\sum_{i=1}^n x_i - \frac{1}{n\sigma}(n\mu) \\ &= \frac{1}{n\sigma}\sum_{i=1}^n x_i - \frac{\mu}{\sigma} \\ &= \frac{1}{\sigma}\left( \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n x_i - \mu \right) = 0. \end{split} \]

A longer but similar direct calculation shows that the variance is 1.

Example 2.5 Continuing with the values from Example exm-stats-maxvar, we assume without losing generality that \(t\ge 0\). (Otherwise, we can just swap \(x_2\) and \(x_3\).) Then we have the z-scores \[ z_1 = \frac{0-0}{2t\sqrt{6}} = 0, \quad z_2 = \frac{t-0}{2t\sqrt{6}} = \frac{1}{2\sqrt{6}} \quad z_3 = \frac{-t-0}{2t\sqrt{6}} = \frac{-1}{2\sqrt{6}}. \]

These are independent of \(t\), which just scales the original values.

Example 2.6 We can write a little function to compute z-scores in Python:

def standardize(x):
    return (x - x.mean()) / x.std()

This function can be applied to any series x and returns a series of the same length. If we apply it to a data frame, it standardizes each column:

iris["z"] = standardize( iris["petal_length"] )
iris[ ["petal_length", "z"] ].describe()
petal_length z
count 150.000000 1.500000e+02
mean 3.758000 -2.842171e-16
std 1.765298 1.000000e+00
min 1.000000 -1.562342e+00
25% 1.600000 -1.222456e+00
50% 4.350000 3.353541e-01
75% 5.100000 7.602115e-01
max 6.900000 1.779869e+00

Since floating-point values are rounded off, it’s unlikely that a value derived from them that is meant to be zero will actually be exactly zero. Above, the mean value of about \(-10^{-15}\) should be seen as reasonable for values that have been rounded off in the 15th digit or so.

2.1.4 Median and quantiles

Mean and variance are not the most relevant summary statistics for every dataset. There are important alternatives.

Definition 2.4 For any \(0 < p < 1\), the \(100p\)-percentile or quantile is the value of \(x\) such that \(p\) is the probability of observing a population value less than or equal to \(x\).

The 50th percentile is known as the median of the population.


Some sources reserve the term quantile for another meaning, but since pandas offers quantile to compute percentiles, we don’t draw a distinction.

The unbiased sample median of \(x_1,\ldots,x_n\) can be computed by sorting the values into \(y_1,\ldots,y_n\). If \(n\) is odd, then \(y_{(n+1)/2}\) is the sample median; otherwise, the average of \(y_{n/2}\) and \(y_{1+(n/2)}\) is the sample median.

Example 2.7 For the sorted sample values \(1,3,3,4,5,5,5\), we have \(n=7\) and the sample median is \(4\).

If the sample values are \(1,3,3,4,5,5,5,9\), then \(n=8\) and the sample median is \((4+5)/2=4.5\).

Example 2.8 Here we find the 90th quantile (percentile) of the loan_amnt variable in the loans dataset:

loans = pd.read_csv("_datasets/loans_small.csv")
x = loans["loan_amnt"]
pct90 = x.quantile(0.9)

Equivalently, 90 percent of the values are no greater than that value:

sum(x <= pct90) / len(x)

The 50th percentile is the same thing as the median:


The median is a measure of central tendency that can substitute for the mean. To calculate an alternative to the standard deviation, we can use two other quantiles.

Definition 2.5 The 25th, 50th, and 75th percentiles are the called first, second, and third quartiles of the distribution. The interquartile range (IQR) is the difference between the 75th percentile and the 25th percentile.

For some samples, the median and IQR might be a good substitute for the mean and standard deviation.

Example 2.9 The dataframe describe method includes mean, standard deviation, and the quartiles:

Unnamed: 0 loan_amnt funded_amnt int_rate annual_inc total_pymnt
count 39717.000000 39717.000000 39717.000000 39717.000000 3.971700e+04 39717.000000
mean 19858.000000 11219.443815 10947.713196 12.021177 6.896893e+04 12153.596544
std 11465.454657 7456.670694 7187.238670 3.724825 6.379377e+04 9042.040766
min 0.000000 500.000000 500.000000 5.420000 4.000000e+03 0.000000
25% 9929.000000 5500.000000 5400.000000 9.250000 4.040400e+04 5576.930000
50% 19858.000000 10000.000000 9600.000000 11.860000 5.900000e+04 9899.640319
75% 29787.000000 15000.000000 15000.000000 14.590000 8.230000e+04 16534.433040
max 39716.000000 35000.000000 35000.000000 24.590000 6.000000e+06 58563.679930

It’s easy to write a function that computes and returns the IQR of a series:

def IQR(x):
    Q25, Q75 = x.quantile( [0.25, 0.75] )
    return Q75 - Q25 


That function can also be applied columnwise to a data frame:

Unnamed: 0     19858.00000
loan_amnt       9500.00000
funded_amnt     9600.00000
int_rate           5.34000
annual_inc     41896.00000
total_pymnt    10957.50304
dtype: float64

2.2 Empirical distributions

Mean and STD, or median and IQR, attempt to summarize quantitative data with a couple of numbers. At the other extreme, we can express the distribution values more precisely using functions and graphical tools.

Python has many graphics packages with different niches. The most widespread is Matplotlib, for which you must explicitly specify most aspects of how the plots will look.

We will instead use seaborn, which is built on top of Matplotlib. It’s built around a declarative style, meaning that you describe what you want to see and seaborn makes the decisions about how it looks. Most of the time, the decisions it makes are just fine. To use seaborn, you import it:

import seaborn as sns

There are three major commands that you call in seaborn:

How values of a single variable are distributed.
How categorical values are distributed within and across categories.
How values of two variables are related to each other.

These three commands then call other functions to create the actual plots. (You can call those directly yourself, but then you will be missing a lot of automated setup and formatting that seaborn provides.)

2.2.1 Histograms

By definition, we know that if \(a<b\), \(\hat{F}(b) - \hat{F}(a)\) is the number of observations in the half-open interval \((a,b]\). This leads into the next definition.

Definition 2.6 Select the ordered values \(t_1 < t_2 < \cdots < t_m\), called edges, and define bins as the intervals \[ B_k = (t_k,t_{k+1}], \qquad k=0,\ldots,m, \]

where we adopt the convention that \(t_0=-\infty\) and \(t_{m+1}=\infty\). Let \(c_k\) be the number of data values in \(B_k\). Then a histogram relative to the bins is the list of \((B_0,c_0),\ldots,(B_m,c_m)\).

Seaborn uses displot to show empirical distributions, and the default is to show a histogram.

Example 2.10 Here is a histogram from the penguins dataset:

penguins = sns.load_dataset("penguins")
sns.displot(data=penguins, x="body_mass_g");

We can specify the number of bins to use, or their edges:

sns.displot(data=penguins, x="body_mass_g", bins=20);

Sometimes we’d rather show the proportions of values rather than the counts:

sns.displot(data=penguins, x="body_mass_g", stat="proportion");

2.2.2 Empirical CDF

Given a sample of a population, we can characterize it using an important function defined by the data.

Definition 2.7 The empirical cumulative distribution function or ECDF of a sample is the function \(\hat{F}(t)\) whose value at \(t\) equals the proportion of the sample values that are less than or equal to \(t\).

Note that the value of \(\hat{F}\) ranges between 0 and 1 (inclusive) and is a nondecreasing function of \(t\).

Example 2.11 Consider the population

\[ x_1=1/4, \quad x_2=2/4, \quad x_3=3/4, \quad x_4=1. \]

Since the smallest value is at 1/4, we have \(F(t)=0\) when \(t < 1/4\). At \(t=1/4\) we have passed 1 of the 4 values, so \(F(1/4)=1/4\). This value of \(F\) remains constant until we get to \(t=1/2\), at which point it jumps to the value \(1/2\), and so on, leading to the graph in Figure fig-stats-cdf-a

Figure 2.1: CDF for a population of size 4.

Now consider the population

\[ x_1=1/10, \quad x_2=2/10, \quad x_3=3/10, \quad \ldots, \quad x_{10}=1. \]

Using the same reasoning as above, we get the graph in Figure fig-stats-cdf-b.

Figure 2.2: CDF for a population of size 10.

Example 2.12 A variation of the seaborn displot function creates an ECDF. Here is one for the penguins dataset:

penguins = sns.load_dataset("penguins")
sns.displot(data=penguins, x="body_mass_g", kind="ecdf");

It’s a stairstep plot, because the ECDF jumps at each data value.

There is a simple relationship between the ECDF \(\hat{F}\) and histograms. If there are \(n\) total observations in the sample and \(c_k\) is the count in bin \((t_k,t_{k+1}]\), then

\[ c_k = n[\hat{F}(t_{k+1}) - \hat{F}(t_k)]. \tag{2.6}\]

2.3 Continuous distributions

Paradoxically, sometimes infinity makes things easier. For instance, a Riemann sum is a long, complicated expression, but in the limit of infinitely many rectangles, it becomes a simple definite integral. Something similar happens when we think about populations so large that they can be considered infinite.

2.3.1 CDF

Example 2.13 It’s natural and easy to generalize Example exm-stats-uniform-discrete to samples of any size \(n\): \(x_i=i/n\) for \(i=1,\ldots,n\). Intuitively you cam see that as \(n\) increases, the stairs in the plots in Figure fig-stats-cdf-a and Figure fig-stats-cdf-b become narrower and shallower, eventually becoming a smooth ramp:

Figure 2.3: CDF for an infinite population.

The formal expression of the function plotted in Figure fig-stats-cdf-c is

\[ F(t) = \begin{cases} 0, & t < 0, \\ t,& 0 \le t \le 1, \\ 1,& t > 1. \end{cases} \tag{2.7}\]

Conceptually, this function represents a distribution in which every value between 0 and 1 is equally likely. This is known as the uniform distribution over the interval \([0,1]\).

We now define the continuous counterpart of the ECDF.

Definition 2.8 The cumulative distribution function (CDF) of a distribution is the function \[ F(t) = \text{probability that a randomly chosen value is $\le t$}, \]

where \(t\) is any real number.

For a finite population, the CDF and the ECDF are the same.

Example 2.14 Here are maximum daily temperatures (in tenths of Celsius degrees) for Newark, DE, starting in 1894:

weather = pd.read_csv("_datasets/ghcn_newark.csv")
sns.displot(weather, x="TMAX", kind="ecdf");

More than 29,000 observations are summarized in this ECDF. There are still small steps visible in the graph above because the temperature values are discrete. Even so, there would be little changed by approximating the distribution with a smooth one.

Conceptually we may interpret a large sample as an approximation to an infinite population. In this case, the ECDF is an approximation to the CDF.

2.3.2 PDF

In Equation eq-stats-hist-ecdf we connected a histogram to the ECDF via \({c_k} = n[\hat{F}(t_{k+1}) - \hat{F}(t_k)]\), where \(c_k\) is the count in bin \((t_k,t_{k+1}]\). If we let \(p_k = c_k/n\) be the fraction of observations in that bin, then we can write

\[ \frac{p_k}{t_{k+1}-t_k} = \frac{\hat{F}(t_{k+1})-\hat{F}(t_k)}{t_{k+1}-t_k}. \tag{2.8}\]

We can interpret the left-hand side of Equation eq-stats-pdf as the density of observations in the bin. If we take the limit \(t_{k+1} \to t_k\), we get a derivative on the right-hand side, which motivates the following definition.

Definition 2.9 The probability density function or PDF of a distribution, denoted \(f(t)\), is the derivative of the CDF, i.e.,

\[ f(t) = F'(t). \tag{2.9}\]

The intuitive interpretation of \(f(t)\) is as the probability of observing a value in a tiny interval around \(t\).

Example 2.15 The histogram of the temperature distribution in Example exm-stats-temps-ecdf is an approximation to the continuous PDF, if we normalize the counts properly:

sns.displot(weather, x="TMIN", bins=20, stat="density");

There is an algorithm known as kernel density estimation (KDE) that can be used to estimate the true PDF from a sample. It’s another option in the displot function:

sns.displot(weather, x="TMIN", kind="kde");

Example 2.16 For a uniform distribution over \([0,1]\), we can take the derivative of the CDF in Equation eq-stats-uniform-cdf to get

\[ F'(t) = \begin{cases} 0, & t < 0, \\ 1, & 0 < t < 1, \\ 0, & t > 1. \end{cases} \tag{2.10}\]

We’re sweeping some details under the rug here, because \(F\) is not differentiable at \(t=0\) and \(t=1\). It turns out that we can mostly ignore such points in practice.

The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus and Equation eq-stats-pdf-def imply that the CDF is the integral of the PDF. Specifically, for any value of \(a\),

\[ F(t) = F(a) + \int_{a}^t f(s) \, ds. \tag{2.11}\]

2.3.3 Random numbers in Python

Generating truly random numbers on a computer is not simple. We rely on pseudorandom numbers, which are generated by deterministic functions called random number generators (RNGs) that have extremely long periods. One consequence is repeatability: by specifying the starting state of the RNG, you can get exactly the same pseudorandom sequence every time.


There is an older way to use random numbers in NumPy than the one presented here. You’ll still find it on the web and in some books, but the newer way is recommended.

Example 2.17 We start by creating an RNG with a specific state. Every time this code is run, the same sequence of numbers will be generated from it.

from numpy.random import default_rng
rng = default_rng(19716)    # setting an initial state

The uniform generator method produces numbers distributed uniformly between two limits you specify.

rng.uniform( 0, 1, size=5)
array([0.97584377, 0.65769739, 0.167421  , 0.7146286 , 0.98038127])

For a large uniform random sample, the ECDF will approximate the CDF in Figure fig-stats-cdf-c.

x = rng.uniform( size=10000 )
sns.displot(x, kind="ecdf");

Similarly, a histogram of the sample will approximate a plot of the PDF in Equation eq-stats-uniform-pdf:

sns.displot(x, bins=16, stat="density");

2.3.4 Normal distribution

Next to the uniform distribution, the following is the most important continuous distribution to know.

Definition 2.10 The normal distribution or Gaussian distribution with mean \(\mu\) and variance \(\sigma^2\) is defined by the PDF

\[ f(t) = \frac{1}{\sigma \sqrt{2\pi}} e^{ -(t - \mu)^2/(2\sigma^2)}. \tag{2.12}\]

The standard normal distribution uses \(\mu=0\) and \(\sigma=1\).

For data that are distributed normally, about 68% of the values lie within one standard deviation of the mean, and 95% lie within two standard deviations. Note however that all real values of \(t\) are theoretically possible.

One appealing fact about the normal distribution is that the effects of scaling and shifting the variable are simple:

Theorem 2.3 If the variable \(s\) has a standard normal distribution, then the variable \(t = \sigma s + \mu\) has a normal distribution with mean \(\mu\) and variance \(\sigma^2\).

Example 2.18 The normal method of a NumPy RNG simulates a standard normal distribution.

rng = default_rng(19716)
x = rng.normal( size=(30000,) )
sns.displot(x, bins=25, stat="density");

We can change the variance by multiplying by \(\sigma\) and change the mean by adding \(\mu\):

df = pd.DataFrame( {"x": x, "3x-10": 3*x-10} )
x 3x-10
count 30000.000000 30000.000000
mean -0.000175 -10.000526
std 1.001663 3.004990
min -3.520333 -20.560998
25% -0.671223 -12.013670
50% 0.001121 -9.996636
75% 0.672540 -7.982381
max 4.044099 2.132297

A KDE plot shows us a result close to the classic bell curve:

sns.displot(data=df, x="3x-10", kind="kde");

2.4 Grouping data

It’s often useful to analyze data in groups defined by one or more columns. Grouping data is tied to the idea of conditional probability.

Example 2.19 This is a dataset about the fuel efficiency of some cars:

cars = sns.load_dataset("mpg")
mpg cylinders displacement horsepower weight acceleration model_year origin name
0 18.0 8 307.0 130.0 3504 12.0 70 usa chevrolet chevelle malibu
1 15.0 8 350.0 165.0 3693 11.5 70 usa buick skylark 320
2 18.0 8 318.0 150.0 3436 11.0 70 usa plymouth satellite
3 16.0 8 304.0 150.0 3433 12.0 70 usa amc rebel sst
4 17.0 8 302.0 140.0 3449 10.5 70 usa ford torino

Here’s the distribution of the mpg variable in cars over the entire dataset:

sns.displot(data=cars, x="mpg", bins=20);

Here is the probability that a randomly chosen car has mpg less than 20:

(cars["mpg"] < 20).mean()

Now, note that one of the columns of the dataset indicates the place of manufacture:

usa       249
japan      79
europe     70
Name: count, dtype: int64

Intuitively, it seems likely that the distribution of mpg will differ for different countries of origin. For example, if we narrow our focus to cars made in the U.S.A., we get a very different result for the probability of mpg less than 20:

(cars.loc[cars["origin"]=="usa", "mpg"] < 20).mean()

There is no need to pattern your code after this example, as we will see more convenient ways to do this sort of computation in sec-stats-groupby.

2.4.1 Facet, box, and violin plots

In a facet plot, a distribution plot is repeated across columns or rows for each group, making it easy to compare the groups visually.


In these examples we sometimes use height or width keywords to specify the size of the plots (in inches) for this output format. You should start without them and use them only as needed.

Example 2.20 A facet plot allows us to easily group data by a categorical variable. In this case, we select the origin column using the col keyword:

sns.displot(data=cars, x="mpg", col="origin", height=2.2);

A key feature of the facet plots is that the \(x\) axis limits are the same in all three cases, facilitating a direct visual comparison.

Other ways to visualize grouped data are offered by the catplot function in seaborn, including the well-known box plot and violin plot.

Example 2.21 Here is a grouped box plot for mpg:

sns.catplot(data=cars, x="origin", y="mpg", kind="box");

Each colored box shows the interquartile range, with the interior horizontal line showing the median. The whiskers and dots are explained in a later section. A related visualization is a violin plot:

    x="mpg", y="origin", 

In a violin plot, the inner lines show the same information as the box plot, with the thick part showing the IQR, while the sides of the “violins” are KDE estimates of the density functions.

2.4.2 Grouped operations in pandas

In pandas, the groupby method splits a data frame into groups based on values in a designated (categorical) column. By itself, this method doesn’t accomplish much, but it’s a prelude to operating in a groupwise (i.e., conditional) manner. Aggregation

When you want to compute a summary statistic for each group, you need an aggregator. A list of the most common predefined aggregation functions is given in Table tbl-stats-agg.

Table 2.1: Aggregation functions. All ignore NaN values.
method effect
count Number of values in each group
mean Mean value in each group
sum Sum within each group
std, var Standard deviation/variance within groups
min, max Min or max within groups
describe Descriptive statistics
first, last First or last of group values

Example 2.22 Here is how we can define groups based on the categorical origin column:

<pandas.core.groupby.generic.DataFrameGroupBy object at 0x12f693380>

As you can see from the output above, a grouped data frame isn’t of much value on its own. But let’s use it to find the groupwise mean of each quantitative column in the frame:

mpg cylinders displacement horsepower weight acceleration model_year
europe 27.891429 4.157143 109.142857 80.558824 2423.300000 16.787143 75.814286
japan 30.450633 4.101266 102.708861 79.835443 2221.227848 16.172152 77.443038
usa 20.083534 6.248996 245.901606 119.048980 3361.931727 15.033735 75.610442

Multiply dotted commands are common in pandas. You need to parse them from left to right. The first command above groups the data frame, and the second computes the mean within each group.

If we want to focus on just mpg from the dataset, we can extract that column after the grouping but before operating on the groups:

europe    27.891429
japan     30.450633
usa       20.083534
Name: mpg, dtype: float64

To help interpret this expression, we could break it into equivalent separate steps:

by_origin = cars.groupby("origin")
mpg_by_origin = by_origin["mpg"]
europe    27.891429
japan     30.450633
usa       20.083534
Name: mpg, dtype: float64

However, the one-liner is considered better style most of the time.

If you want an aggregator other than those in Table tbl-stats-agg, you can call agg with your own function. Here are the conditional probabilities of mpg being less than 20 for all values of origin:

def less_than_20(x):
    return (x < 20).mean()

europe    0.085714
japan     0.037975
usa       0.570281
Name: mpg, dtype: float64 Transformation

A transformation applies a function groupwise to a column, producing a column of the same length.

Example 2.23 We can convert the mpg values to z-scores using the population mean and variance:

def standardize(x):
    return (x - x.mean()) / x.std()

cars["mpg_z"] = standardize(cars["mpg"])
sns.displot(data=cars, x="mpg_z", col="origin", height=2.3);

Above, each of the conditional distributions was shifted and scaled identically. But we might instead, want to standardize within groups separately, with each group using its own mean and standard deviation:

by_origin = cars.groupby("origin")
cars["group_mpg_z"] = by_origin["mpg"].transform(standardize)
sns.displot(data=cars, x="group_mpg_z", col="origin", height=2.3);

Now, each group distribution is centered at 0 and has a standard deviation of 1.

2.4.3 Grouping by a quantitative variable

Grouping is easiest to think about as being conditioned on a categorical variable. But it can also be done on a quantitative variable by first binning it into intervals using pd.cut.

Example 2.24 Suppose we want to group cars by horsepower, which is quantitative. We can use pd.cut to create bins of width 40:

cuts = pd.cut(cars["horsepower"], range(40, 250, 40))
by_hp = cars.groupby(cuts)
(40, 80]      119
(80, 120]     171
(120, 160]     65
(160, 200]     27
(200, 240]     10
Name: mpg, dtype: int64

The count method then gives the number of observations in each group.

We can also use the cuts to make, for example, a violin plot:

sns.catplot(data=cars, x="mpg", y=cuts, kind="violin");

2.5 Outliers

Informally, an outlier is a data value that is considered to be far from typical. In some applications, such as detecting earthquakes or cancer, outliers are the cases of real interest. But here we will treat them as unwelcome values that might result from equipment failure, confounding effects, mistyping a value, using an artificial extreme value to represent missing data, and so on. In such cases we want to minimize the effect of the outliers on the statistics.

It is well known, for instance, that the mean is more sensitive to outliers than the median is.

Example 2.25 The values \(1,2,3,4,5\) have a mean and median both equal to 3. If we change the largest value to be a lot larger, say \(1,2,3,4,1000\), then the mean changes to 202. But the median is still 3!

If you want to use a statistic like the mean that is vulnerable to outliers, it’s typical to remove such values early on. There are various ways of deciding what qualifies as an outlier, with no one-size recommendation for all applications.

2.5.1 IQR

Let \(Q_{25}\) and \(Q_{75}\) be the first and third quartiles (i.e., 25% and 75% percentiles), and let \(I=Q_{75}-Q_{25}\) be the interquartile range (IQR). Then \(x\) is an outlier value if

\[ x < Q_{25} - 1.5I \text{ or } x > Q_{75} + 1.5I. \tag{2.13}\]

In a box plot, the whiskers growing from a box show the extent of the non-outlier data, and the dots beyond the whiskers represent outliers.

Example 2.26 Let’s look at another data set, based on a functional MRI experiment:

fmri = sns.load_dataset("fmri")
subject timepoint event region signal
0 s13 18 stim parietal -0.017552
1 s5 14 stim parietal -0.080883
2 s12 18 stim parietal -0.081033
3 s11 18 stim parietal -0.046134
4 s10 18 stim parietal -0.037970

We want to focus on the signal column, splitting according to the event.

by_event = fmri.groupby("event")
count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
cue 532.0 -0.006669 0.047752 -0.181241 -0.031122 -0.008871 0.015825 0.215735
stim 532.0 0.013748 0.123179 -0.255486 -0.062378 -0.022202 0.058143 0.564985

Here is a box plot of the signal for these groups.

sns.catplot(data=fmri, x="event", y="signal", kind="box");

The dots lying outside the whiskers in the plot can be considered outliers satisfying one of the inequalities in Equation eq-stats-outlier-iqr.

Let’s now remove the outliers. We start with a function that computes a Boolean-valued series for a given input. This function is applied as a transform to the data as grouped by events:

def is_outlier(x):
    Q25, Q75 = x.quantile([.25,.75])
    I = Q75 - Q25
    return (x < Q25 - 1.5*I) |  (x > Q75 + 1.5*I)

outliers = by_event["signal"].transform(is_outlier)
stim    40
cue     26
Name: count, dtype: int64

You can see above that there are 66 outliers. To negate the outlier indicator, we can use ~outs as a row selector.

cleaned = fmri[~outliers]

The median values are barely affected by the omission of the outliers:

print( "medians with outliers:" )
print( by_event["signal"].median() )
print( "\nmedians without outliers:" )
print( cleaned.groupby("event")["signal"].median() )
medians with outliers:
cue    -0.008871
stim   -0.022202
Name: signal, dtype: float64

medians without outliers:
cue    -0.009006
stim   -0.028068
Name: signal, dtype: float64

The means, though, show much greater change:

print( "means with outliers:" )
print( by_event["signal"].mean() )
print( "\nmeans without outliers:" )
print( cleaned.groupby("event")["signal"].mean() )
means with outliers:
cue    -0.006669
stim    0.013748
Name: signal, dtype: float64

means without outliers:
cue    -0.008243
stim   -0.010245
Name: signal, dtype: float64

For the stim case in particular, the mean value changes by almost 200%, including a sign change. (Relative to the standard deviation, it’s closer to a 20% change.)

2.5.2 Mean and STD

In normal distributions, values more than twice the standard deviation \(\sigma\) from the mean could be considered to be outliers; this would exclude 5% of the values, on average. A less aggressive criterion is to allow a distance of \(3\sigma\), which excludes only about 0.3% of the values. The IQR criterion above corresponds to about \(2.7\sigma\) in the normal distribution case.


A criticism of classical statistics is that much of it is conditioned on the assumption of normal distributions. This assumption is often violated by real datasets; quantities that depend on normality should be used judiciously.

Example 2.27 The following plot shows the outlier cutoffs for 2000 samples from a normal distribution, using the criteria for 2σ (red), 3σ (blue), and 1.5 IQR (black).

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numpy.random import default_rng
randn = default_rng(1).normal 

x = pd.Series(randn(size=2000))
m,s = x.mean(),x.std()

q1,q3 = x.quantile([.25,.75])

For asymmetric distributions, or those with a heavy tail, these criteria might show greater differences.

2.6 Correlation

There are often variables that we believe to be linked, either because one influences the other, or because both are influenced by some other factor. There are numerous ways to measure the extent of the relationship between variables. But it’s good practice to plot the data before jumping into the numbers.

2.6.1 Relational plots

Thus far, we have used displot, or “distribution plot”, to make histograms, and catplot, or “categorical plot”, to make box and violin plots. The third major plot type in seaborn is relplot, or “relational plot”, to show the relationships between variables.

Example 2.28 By default, relplot makes a scatter plot of two different variables:

sns.relplot(data=cars, x="model_year", y="mpg");

Like in the other plot types, we can use hue (color) and marker size to indicate groups within the data:

    x="model_year", y="mpg", hue="origin", size="weight",

If we want to emphasize a trend rather than the individual data values, we can instead plot the average value at each \(x\) with error bars:

    x="model_year", y="mpg", kind="line", errorbar="sd"

The error ribbon above is drawn at one standard deviation around the mean.

In order to see multiple pairwise scatter plots in one shot, we can use pairplot in seaborn:

columns = [ "mpg", "horsepower", "displacement", "origin" ]

sns.pairplot(data=cars[columns], hue="origin", height=2);

The panels along the diagonal show each quantitative variable’s PDF. The other panels show scatter plots putting one pair at a time of the variables on the coordinate axes.

2.6.2 Correlation

Definition 2.11 Suppose we have two series of observations, \([x_i]\) and \([y_i]\), representing observations of random quantities \(X\) and \(Y\) having means \(\mu_X\) and \(\mu_Y\). Their covariance is defined as \[ \Cov(X,Y) = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n (x_i-\mu_X)(y_i-\mu_Y). \]

Note that the values \(x_i-\mu_X\) and \(y_i-\mu_Y\) are deviations from the means.

It follows from the definitions that

\[ \begin{split} \Cov(X,X) &= \sigma_X^2, \\ \Cov(Y,Y) &= \sigma_Y^2. \end{split} \]

In words, self-covariance is simply variance.

Covariance is not easy to interpret. Its units are the products of the units of the two variables, and it is sensitive to rescaling the variables (e.g., grams versus kilograms).

We can remove the dependence on units and scale by applying the covariance to standardized scores for both variables, resulting in a measure called correlation. The following is the best-known measure of correlation.

Definition 2.12 For the populations of \(X\) and \(Y\), the Pearson correlation coefficient is \[ \begin{split} \rho(X,Y) &= \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n \left(\frac{x_i-\mu_X}{\sigma_X}\right)\left(\frac{y_i-\mu_Y}{\sigma_Y}\right) \\ & = \frac{\Cov(X,Y)}{\sigma_X\sigma_Y}, \end{split} \tag{2.14}\]

where \(\sigma_X^2\) and \(\sigma_Y^2\) are the population variances of \(X\) and \(Y\).

For samples from the two populations, we use \[ r_{xy} = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^n (x_i-\bar{x}) (y_i-\bar{y})}{\sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^n (x_i-\bar{x})^2}\,\sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^n (y_i-\bar{y})^2}}, \tag{2.15}\]

where \(\bar{x}\) and \(\bar{y}\) are sample means.

Both \(\rho_{XY}\) and \(r_{xy}\) are between \(-1\) and \(1\), with the endpoints indicating perfect correlation (inverse or direct).

An equivalent formula for the sampled case \(r_{xy}\) is \[ r_{xy} = \frac{1}{n-1} \sum_{i=1}^n \left(\frac{x_i-\bar{x}}{s_x}\right)\, \left(\frac{y_i-\bar{y}}{s_y}\right), \tag{2.16}\]

where \(s_x^2\) and \(s_y^2\) are the (unbiased) sample variances of \(X\) and \(Y\).

Example 2.29 We might reasonably expect horsepower and miles per gallon to be negatively correlated:

sns.relplot(data=cars, x="horsepower", y="mpg");

Covariance allows us to quantify the relationship:

cars[ ["horsepower", "mpg"] ].cov()
horsepower mpg
horsepower 1481.569393 -233.857926
mpg -233.857926 61.089611

But should these numbers considered big? The Pearson coefficient is more easily interpreted:

cars[ ["horsepower", "mpg"] ].corr()
horsepower mpg
horsepower 1.000000 -0.778427
mpg -0.778427 1.000000

The value of about \(-0.79\) suggests that knowing one of the values would allow us to predict the other one rather well using a best-fit straight line (more on that in a future chapter).

When you want to see correlations among many variables, the numbers can be overwhelming to look at:

mpg cylinders displacement horsepower weight acceleration model_year mpg_z group_mpg_z
mpg 1.000000 -0.775396 -0.804203 -0.778427 -0.831741 0.420289 0.579267 1.000000 0.816412
cylinders -0.775396 1.000000 0.950721 0.842983 0.896017 -0.505419 -0.348746 -0.775396 -0.527214
displacement -0.804203 0.950721 1.000000 0.897257 0.932824 -0.543684 -0.370164 -0.804203 -0.528723
horsepower -0.778427 0.842983 0.897257 1.000000 0.864538 -0.689196 -0.416361 -0.778427 -0.609533
weight -0.831741 0.896017 0.932824 0.864538 1.000000 -0.417457 -0.306564 -0.831741 -0.592236
acceleration 0.420289 -0.505419 -0.543684 -0.689196 -0.417457 1.000000 0.288137 0.420289 0.348266
model_year 0.579267 -0.348746 -0.370164 -0.416361 -0.306564 0.288137 1.000000 0.579267 0.596192
mpg_z 1.000000 -0.775396 -0.804203 -0.778427 -0.831741 0.420289 0.579267 1.000000 0.816412
group_mpg_z 0.816412 -0.527214 -0.528723 -0.609533 -0.592236 0.348266 0.596192 0.816412 1.000000

It’s often helpful to visualize correlations using a heatmap:

# use vmin and vmax to set the extreme values of the color scale
    annot=True, cmap="coolwarm", vmin=-1, vmax=1);

As is usual when dealing with means, the Pearson coefficient can be sensitive to outlier values.

Example 2.30 The Pearson coefficient of any variable with itself is 1:

x = pd.Series( range(10) )

Now let’s correlate x with a series that differs in only one element, but by a lot:

y = x.copy()
y[4] = -1000

The Pearson coefficient is overwhelmed by the extreme outlier.

2.6.3 Spearman coefficient

The Spearman coefficient is one way to lessen the impact of outliers when measuring correlation. The idea is that only the orderings of the values are used, not their magnitudes.

Definition 2.13 If \(x_1,\ldots,x_n\) is a series of observations, let their sorted ordering be \[ x_{s_1},x_{s_2},\ldots,x_{s_n}. \]

Then \(s_1,s_2,\ldots,s_n\) is the rank series of \(\bfx\).

Definition 2.14 The Spearman coefficient of two series of equal length is the Pearson coefficient of their rank series.

Example 2.31 Continuing with Example exm-stats-pearson-outlier, we can use argsort to find the rank series:

ranks = pd.DataFrame( {'x': x.argsort(), 'y': y.argsort()} )
x y
0 0 4
1 1 0
2 2 1
3 3 2
4 4 3
5 5 5
6 6 6
7 7 7
8 8 8
9 9 9

The Pearson coefficient of the ranks is the Spearman coefficient of the original x and y series:

x y
x 1.000000 0.878788
y 0.878788 1.000000

Recall that x and y differ only in one element. The Spearman coefficient between them remains fairly close to one. Note that we don’t actually have to find the rank series manually:

x.corr(y, "spearman")

As long as y[4] is negative, so that its rank is zero, it doesn’t matter what its particular value is:

y[4] = -1000000
(different data, same idea)

The robustness of the Spearman coefficient makes in an interesting alternative to the Pearson coefficient when dealing with datasets that have outliers.

2.6.4 Categorical correlation

An ordinal variable, such as the days of the week, is often straightforward to quantify as integers. But a nominal variable poses a different challenge.

Example 2.32 Grouped histograms suggest an association between country of origin and MPG:

sns.displot(data=cars, kind="kde",
    x="mpg", hue="origin");

How can we quantify the association? The first step is to convert the origin column into dummy variables:

dum = pd.get_dummies(cars, columns=["origin"])
mpg cylinders displacement horsepower weight acceleration model_year name mpg_z group_mpg_z origin_europe origin_japan origin_usa
0 18.0 8 307.0 130.0 3504 12.0 70 chevrolet chevelle malibu -0.705551 -0.325405 False False True
1 15.0 8 350.0 165.0 3693 11.5 70 buick skylark 320 -1.089379 -0.793943 False False True
2 18.0 8 318.0 150.0 3436 11.0 70 plymouth satellite -0.705551 -0.325405 False False True
3 16.0 8 304.0 150.0 3433 12.0 70 amc rebel sst -0.961437 -0.637764 False False True
4 17.0 8 302.0 140.0 3449 10.5 70 ford torino -0.833494 -0.481585 False False True

The original origin column has been replaced by three binary indicator columns. Now we can look for correlations between them and mpg:

columns = [
mpg origin_europe origin_japan origin_usa
mpg 1.000000 0.259022 0.442174 -0.568192
origin_europe 0.259022 1.000000 -0.229895 -0.597198
origin_japan 0.442174 -0.229895 1.000000 -0.643317
origin_usa -0.568192 -0.597198 -0.643317 1.000000

As you can see from the above, europe and japan are positively associated with mpg, while usa is inversely associated with mpg.


xckd by Randall Munroe

2.7 Cautionary tales

Attaching theorem-supported numbers to real data feels precise and infallible. The theorems do what they say, of course—they’re theorems!—but our intuition can be a little too ready to attach significance to the numbers, causing misconceptions or mistakes. Proper visualizations can help us navigate these waters safely.

2.7.1 The Datasaurus

The Datasaurus Dozen is a collection of datasets that highlights the perils of putting blind trust into summary statistics.

Example 2.33 The Datasaurus is a set of 142 points making a handsome portrait:

dozen = pd.read_csv("_datasets/DatasaurusDozen.tsv", delimiter="\t")
sns.relplot(data=dozen[dozen["dataset"]=="dino"], x="x", y="y");

However, there are 12 other datasets that all have roughly the same mean and variance for \(x\) and \(y\), and the same correlations between them:

by_set = dozen.groupby("dataset")
x y
away 54.266100 47.834721
bullseye 54.268730 47.830823
circle 54.267320 47.837717
dino 54.263273 47.832253
dots 54.260303 47.839829
h_lines 54.261442 47.830252
high_lines 54.268805 47.835450
slant_down 54.267849 47.835896
slant_up 54.265882 47.831496
star 54.267341 47.839545
v_lines 54.269927 47.836988
wide_lines 54.266916 47.831602
x_shape 54.260150 47.839717
x y
away 16.769825 26.939743
bullseye 16.769239 26.935727
circle 16.760013 26.930036
dino 16.765142 26.935403
dots 16.767735 26.930192
h_lines 16.765898 26.939876
high_lines 16.766704 26.939998
slant_down 16.766759 26.936105
slant_up 16.768853 26.938608
star 16.768959 26.930275
v_lines 16.769959 26.937684
wide_lines 16.770000 26.937902
x_shape 16.769958 26.930002
x y
away x 1.000000 -0.064128
y -0.064128 1.000000
bullseye x 1.000000 -0.068586
y -0.068586 1.000000
circle x 1.000000 -0.068343
y -0.068343 1.000000
dino x 1.000000 -0.064472
y -0.064472 1.000000
dots x 1.000000 -0.060341
y -0.060341 1.000000
h_lines x 1.000000 -0.061715
y -0.061715 1.000000
high_lines x 1.000000 -0.068504
y -0.068504 1.000000
slant_down x 1.000000 -0.068980
y -0.068980 1.000000
slant_up x 1.000000 -0.068609
y -0.068609 1.000000
star x 1.000000 -0.062961
y -0.062961 1.000000
v_lines x 1.000000 -0.069446
y -0.069446 1.000000
wide_lines x 1.000000 -0.066575
y -0.066575 1.000000
x_shape x 1.000000 -0.065583
y -0.065583 1.000000

However, a plot reveals that these sets are, to put it mildly, quite distinct:

others = dozen[ dozen["dataset"] != "dino" ]
    x="x", y="y",
    col="dataset", col_wrap=3, height=2.2


Always plot your data.

Always 👏 plot 👏 your 👏 data!

2.7.2 Correlation vs. dependence

In casual speech, you might expect two variables that are uncorrelated to be unrelated. But that is not at all how the mathematical definitions play out.

Example 2.34 For example, here are \(x\) and \(y\) variables that both depend on a hidden variable \(\theta\):

import numpy as np
theta = np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,50)
x = pd.Series(np.cos(theta))
y = pd.Series(np.sin(theta))
sns.relplot(x=x, y=y);

Neither informally nor mathematically would we say that \(x\) and \(y\) are independent! For example, if \(y=0\), then there is only one possible value for \(x\). Yet the correlation between \(x\) and \(y\) is zero:


Correlation can only measure the extent of the relationship that is linear; \(x\) and \(y\) lying on a straight line means perfect correlation. In this case, every line you can draw that passes through \((0,0)\) is essentially equally bad at representing the data, and correlation cannot express the relationship.

2.7.3 Simpson’s paradox

The penguin dataset contains a common paradox—or a counterintuitive phenomenon, at least.

Example 2.35 Two of the variables show a fairly strong negative correlation:

penguins = sns.load_dataset("penguins")
columns = [ "body_mass_g", "bill_depth_mm" ]
body_mass_g bill_depth_mm
body_mass_g 1.000000 -0.471916
bill_depth_mm -0.471916 1.000000

But something surprising happens if we compute correlations after grouping by species.

body_mass_g bill_depth_mm
Adelie body_mass_g 1.000000 0.576138
bill_depth_mm 0.576138 1.000000
Chinstrap body_mass_g 1.000000 0.604498
bill_depth_mm 0.604498 1.000000
Gentoo body_mass_g 1.000000 0.719085
bill_depth_mm 0.719085 1.000000

Within each individual species, the correlation between the variables is strongly positive!

This is an example of Simpson’s paradox. The reason for it can be seen from a scatter plot:

    x=columns[0], y=columns[1], 

Within each color, the positive association is clear. But what dominates the combination of all three species is the large difference between Gentoo and the others. Because the Gentoo are both larger and have shallower bills, the dominant relationship is negative.

As often happens in statistics, the precise framing of the question can strongly affect its answer. This can lead to honest mistakes by the naive as well as outright deception by the unscrupulous.


For these exercises, you may use computer help to work on a problem, but your submitted solution should be self-contained without reference to computer output (unless stated otherwise).

Exercise 2.1 (2.1) The following parts are about the sample set of \(n\) values (\(n>2\))

\[ 0, 0, 0, \ldots, 0, 1000. \]

(That is, there are \(n-1\) copies of 0 and one copy of 1000.)

(a) Show that the sample mean is \(1000/n\).

(b) Find the sample median when \(n\) is odd.

(c) Show that the corrected sample variance \(s_{n-1}^2\) is \(10^6/n\).

(d) Find the sample z-scores of all the values.

Exercise 2.2 (2.1) Suppose given samples \(x_1,\ldots,x_n\) have the sample z-scores \(z_1,\ldots,z_n\).

(a) Show that \(\displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^n z_i = 0.\) (Start by substituting the definition of \(z_i\), using a new index variable \(j\) for that sum.)

(b) Show that \(\displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^n z_i^2 = n-1.\)

Exercise 2.3 (2.1) Define 8 points on an ellipse by \(x_k=a\cos(\theta_k)\) and \(y_k=b\sin(\theta_k)\), where \(a\) and \(b\) are positive and \[ \theta_1= \frac{\pi}{4}, \theta_2 = \frac{\pi}{2}, \theta_3 = \frac{3\pi}{4}, \ldots, \theta_8 = 2\pi. \] Let \(u_1,\ldots,u_8\) and \(v_1,\ldots,v_8\) be the z-scores of the \(x_k\) and the \(y_k\), respectively. Show that the points \((u_k,v_k)\) all lie on a circle centered at the origin for all \(k=1,\ldots,8\). (By extension, standardizing points into z-scores is sometimes called sphereing them.)

Exercise 2.4 (2.1) Given a population of values \(x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_n\), define the function

\[ r_2(x) = \sum_{i=1}^n (x_i-x)^2. \]

Show using calculus that \(r_2\) is minimized at \(x=\mu\), the population mean. (The idea is that minimizing \(r_2\) is a way to find the “most representative” value for the dataset.)

Exercise 2.5 (2.1) Suppose that \(n=2k+1\) and a population has values \(x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_{n}\) in sorted order, so that the median is equal to \(x_k\). Define the function

\[ r_1(x) = \sum_{i=1}^n |x_i - x|. \]

(This function is called the total absolute deviation of \(x\) from the population.) Show that \(r_1\) has a global minimum at \(x=x_k\) by way of the following steps.

(a) Explain why the derivative of \(r_1\) is undefined at every \(x_i\). Consequently, all of the \(x_i\) are critical points of \(r_1\).

(b) Determine \(r_1'\) within each interval \((-\infty,x_1),\, (x_1,x_2),\, (x_2,x_3),\) and so on. Explain why this shows that there cannot be any additional critical points to consider. (Note: you can replace the absolute values with a piecewise definition of \(r_1\), where the formula for the pieces changes as you cross over each \(x_i\).)

(c) By considering the \(r_1'\) values between the \(x_i\), explain why it must be that

\[ r_1(x_1) > r_1(x_2) > \cdots > r_1(x_k) < r_1(x_{k+1}) < \cdots < r_1(x_n). \]

Exercise 2.6 (2.2) This problem is about the dataset

\[ 1, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7, 8. \]

(a) Make a table of the values of the ECDF \(\hat{F}(t)\) at the values \(t=0,1,2,\ldots,10\).

(b) Carefully sketch the ECDF of the dataset over the interval \([0,10]\).

(c) Make a table of counts \(c_k\) for the bins \((0,2],(2,4],(4,6],(6,8],(8,10]\).

(d) Sketch a histogram of the dataset using the bins from part (c).

(e) Verify the equation Equation eq-stats-hist-ecdf for the bins from part (c).

Exercise 2.7 (2.3) Suppose that a distribution has continuous PDF \(f(t)\) and CDF \(F(t)\), and that \(F(a)=0\) and \(F(b)=1\). Explain why

\[ \int_a^b f(t)\,dt = 1. \]

Exercise 2.8 (2.3) Suppose that a distribution has PDF

\[ f(t) = \begin{cases} 0, & |t| > 1, \\ \tfrac{1}{2}(1+t), & |t| \le 1. \end{cases} \]

Find a formula for its CDF. (Hint: It’s a piecewise formula. First find it for \(t< -1,\) then for \(-1 \le t \le 1,\) and finally for \(t>1\).)

Exercise 2.9 (2.3) What is the median of the normal distribution whose PDF is given by Equation eq-stats-normal? The answer is probably intuitively clear, but you should make a mathematical argument (though it does not require difficult calculations). Note: there is no simple antiderivative formula for the PDF, and you do not need it anyway.

Exercise 2.10 (2.5) This exercise is about the same set of sample values as Exercise exr-stats-summary. Suppose the 2σ-outlier criterion is applied using the sample mean and sample variance.

(a) Show that regardless of \(n\), the value 0 is never an outlier.

(b) Show that the value 1000 is an outlier if \(n \ge 6\).

Exercise 2.11 (2.5) Define a population by

\[ x_i = \begin{cases} 1, & 1 \le i \le 11, \\ 2, & 12 \le i \le 14,\\ 4, & 15 \le i \le 22, \\ 6, & 23 \le i \le 32. \end{cases} \]

(That is, there are 11 values of 1, 3 values of 2, 8 values of 4, and 10 values of 6.)

(a) Find the median of the population.

(b) Find the smallest interval containing all non-outlier values according to the 1.5 IQR criterion.

Exercise 2.12 (2.6) Prove that two sample sets have a Pearson correlation coefficient equal to 1 if they have identical z-scores. (Hint: Use the results of Exercise exr-stats-z-scores.)

Exercise 2.13 (2.6) Suppose that two sample sets satisfy \(y_i=-x_i\) for all \(i\). Prove that the Pearson correlation coefficient between the sets equals \(-1\).